Accommodation in the Karlskrona archipelago

Staying at the Senor

At Kustgården Senoren, both the soul and the body can find rest and tranquility.




A facility with opportunities

The facility has 140 beds

A facility with opportunities

The facility has 140 beds


Kustgården offers

Cottages and hostels on Senoren

The Karlskrona archipelago is located in the garden of Sweden, Blekinge. A beautiful destination that offers a wide range of holiday experiences. On one of the islands, Senoren, Kustgården Senoren offers accommodation in the form of camping, cottages, hostels and lodging.

As with all accommodation during summer and vacation times, it is a tip to be out in good time with bookings and inquiries, as our facility often becomes fully booked during the high summer.
Our different cottages can be found here and more information about Kustgårdens camping can be found here.

Warm welcome!

Why holiday accommodation should be in the Karlskrona archipelago

Kustgården Senoren is best suited for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, who prefer the slightly smaller family campsite and here we list some of the advantages of staying in the Karlskrona archipelago:

  • Scenic environment: The Karlskrona archipelago is known for its incredible natural beauty. With its coastal location, the archipelago offers stunning views, cliffs, beaches and beautiful forest areas. Having a holiday accommodation here gives you the opportunity to enjoy the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere of nature.
  • Archipelago life: Living in the Karlskrona archipelago gives you the chance to experience genuine archipelago life. You can enjoy boat trips, fishing, kayaking or just relax and enjoy a barbecue and beautiful sunsets.
  • Maritime history: Karlskrona has a rich maritime history and is one of Sweden’s most interesting naval cities. The city is a World Heritage Site and has many historical sites and attractions to explore, such as the Maritime Museum. Living near this historic city gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in Sweden’s maritime heritage.
  • Cultural events: The area comes alive in the summer months with everything from concerts, exhibitions, farm cafes and flea markets. By camping or renting a cottage in the archipelago during your vacation, you can enjoy both the city’s offerings and the tranquility of nature.
  • Close to other attractions: Having a holiday home in the Karlskrona archipelago also gives you the advantage of being close to other attractions and destinations in southern Sweden. You can easily make day trips to places like Öland, Kalmar Castle, Glasriket and the beautiful coastline of the Baltic Sea.

In conclusion, summer living in our area offers great opportunities for beautiful summer memories and nature. It is an ideal destination for those who want to get away from everyday stress and enjoy a relaxing vacation by the sea.

How do you want to live?

Different accommodations in the Karlskrona archipelago

We love Senoren and the area in the Karlskrona archipelago and of course we want you to stay with us at Kustgården Senoren. Our campsite, cottages and hostels can be your base for excursions or for a short stopover before continuing your vacation.

During the summer, there are several options for accommodation in the Karlskrona archipelago. Here are some suggestions:

Cottages and summer houses

Through Airbnb, for example, you can find the range of cottages and summer houses for rent in the Karlskrona archipelago. You can choose from different sizes and amenities depending on your needs. Often these accommodations are very nicely located near the sea.


There are several hostels and guesthouses in the area offering affordable accommodation. These can be a great option if you are traveling on a budget or if you prefer a more social atmosphere where you can meet other vacationers after sharing common areas such as kitchens and communal areas in hostels.


For those who like to camp, there are several campsites in and around Karlskrona. Here you can rent a tent or caravan site and enjoy nature and the archipelago environment.

Hotels and guesthouses

In central Karlskrona and nearby areas, there are several hotels and guesthouses offering comfortable accommodation. These options can be particularly convenient if you want to be close to the city center and its attractions.

Kustgården Senoren is an accommodation close to nature in the Karlskrona archipelago, a place to enjoy, a place to return to.

Contact Kustgården here.